The only trouble is that Vista has not detected any of my sound cards (yeah, I've two of 'em). But I believe I should be able to fix that soon; after all Microsoft products don't usually give problems like this, and if they do, they are easy to fix.
This 64-bit edition is actually 32-bit compatible and I haven't had any compatibility problems so far. Interestingly I am getting a strange warning while opening the Yahoo! home page:
I know this is not very readable, the error message says "This website wants to run the following add-on: 'TODO:
Windows Vista definetely has a lot of eye candy with it's translucent windows, fabulous backgrounds and colors. The designers at Microsoft are awesome. The user experience on the desktop with Microsoft's products is something which is hard to emulate in the immeadiate future on the Linux desktop. Meanwhile on Linux, an entirely new breed of UI technologies are coming up. XGL is striving to put advanced effects on the Linux desktop using the advanced OpenGL platform. You can click and drag your desktop and switch to another workspace while doing a cube rotation effect. Now that's what I call the WOW factor!